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Financials Bootcamp

Financials Bootcamp

Financials Bootcamp
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Child Support Code Training

Child Support Code Training

Basic Child Support Worksheet Training

Basic Child Support Worksheet Training

Advanced Child Support Worksheet Training

Advanced Child Support Worksheet Training

Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit Training

Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit Training

Marital Balance Sheet Training

Marital Balance Sheet Training


Financials Bootcamp

Finances in Family Law can be complicated, messy and mysterious!  Attend Financials Bootcamp today to gain a better understanding of finances in Georgia Family Law, including the online Child Support Worksheet, Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit, Marital Balance Sheet and much more!


Financials Bootcamp provides hands-on instruction in handling financial matters in Georgia family law cases from beginning to end including:


- Review of Georgia Child Support Law (in-depth);

- Hands-on practice with the online Child Support Worksheet and complex child support scenarios;

- Investigative review of financial documents for proper calculation of income and discernment of assets and evidence;

- Preparation of the Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit and Marital Balance Sheet;

and much, much more!!

Financials Basic Ad_edited_edited.jpg

Bootcamp is best viewed alongside your printed materials provided for this seminar.

You have access for 3 weeks from the date of purchase to allow time for shipping and receipt of your printed materials. 


If you do not complete Bootcamp in the allotted time frame,

please contact

You are hereby notified that sharing your access to Bootcamp with anyone other than the intended recipient will result in termination of your account with Family Law Solutions, Inc.  Further, such unethical activity will result in receiving no further services of any kind (training, support, consulting, mediation, etc.) provided by Family Law Solutions, Inc. to you or any member of your firm. 

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